
Is sustainability the path to the world economy?

Is sustainability the path to the world economy?
11 de Nov de 2021

We are in the middle of COP26, and the big headline so far is: 450 companies that control 40% of the world's assets have agreed to finance the transition to a green and sustainable economy.

Obviously we would like this number to be 100%, but the truth is that an economy focused on sustainability is the way to

we are able to continue with human life and even with the relations of production and consumption.

Currently, we consume more resources from nature than it offers us. It's as if we were in the overdraft, but in the negative, next to our planet.

The warning has already been turned on that if nothing is done, the critical situation in which we live may become irreversible in the coming years.

The good news is that two giants, China and the United States, have announced that they will cooperate to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, the main pollutant that causes the greenhouse effect.

But we need more, a greater commitment from all of us, or better, from each one of us, in changing our daily habits, in our relationship with consumption. It's incorporating sustainability into our routine.

Therefore, we return to the question that guides the ECO Strap concept: what world do we want to leave for future generations?

Our answer is: better than the one we received.

Is that you?

A good start to do your part is to consume products from brands that have clear actions and sustainable products, brands committed to the future of life on earth.

Here at ECO Strap, we produce straps for musical instruments from recyclable cotton and a synthetic material called vinyl tech, free of animal origin. This material is also recyclable. As an example, imagine that the useful life of one of our products is 10 years. Although this period may vary, at some point the belt will cease to be used. When this occurs, the material can be perfectly used in the production of another item, such as upholstery for furniture, for example.

What is the impact of this on the environment?

There will simply be no need to extract raw materials from nature to manufacture a new product.

Another characteristic of these products is the fact that they are vegan, that is, free of animal origin, without leather. For those who don't know, flatulence in cattle is responsible for approximately 15% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Good news is that nowadays it is perfectly possible to have a conscious consumption, from products and brands committed to sustainability on the planet.

A commitment from everyone can save the world economy, as it will allow new consumer relations, new products and the best: a healthier world for future generations.

The green economy is a path of no return. The big question is that the world population becomes aware of this as soon as possible, so that it is not too late.

I ask again: are you with us on this?



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