
Which world do we want to leave for the next generations?

Which world do we want to leave for the next generations?
19 de Ago de 2021

In early August 2021, the United Nations (UN) issued an alert that generated much concern in a large part of the world population: our planet is reaching irreversible levels of warming, and humans are directly linked to this.

This red alert issued by the UN vehemently reinforces a concern that must be shared by everyone on Earth. The natural resources offered by our planet are no longer sufficient for the demand of the population – which, in most cases, is not aware of taking care of where we live.

Gas emissions into the atmosphere have already raised the global average temperature by 1.1°C compared to the pre-industrial average. If we reach a level of 1.5°C above the pre-industrial average, we are experiencing uncontrolled climate change with catastrophic impacts, such as intense heat to the point that people are at risk of dying just from being outdoors.

The use of animal raw materials in the production of objects – especially leather, has a great impact on this chain, which leads to unfavorable weather conditions. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to replace leather with synthetic materials, which are reusable and allow us to be sustainable – that is, that we can live in harmony with the environment, without causing great damage. 

Faced with alarming data such as those presented by the UN, it remains for us to reinforce the discourse on the need for alternative sources of consumption. Investing in products that can be reused as raw material after the end of their useful life is one of the ways. 

For example: a musical instrument strap made from synthetic materials, after 15 years of use, can safely be ground and used in the manufacture of bricks or even in upholstery for mattresses.The world we want to leave to future generations needs to be better than the one we received in the past.

Today's technology allows us to think about innovative, modern initiatives that impact our ecosystem. Do you know what's missing? 

Let's act!

To get out of this dangerous situation in which we find ourselves, it is necessary to create a collective awareness of the sustainability issue. And that starts with simple habits, like changing consumption patterns. Before buying a product – whatever it is, try to understand if the composition of that material is harmful to the environment. Replacing leather materials with synthetic raw materials is a good start. 

ECO Strap arose from the need to collaborate with a sustainable future. Since the beginning of the brand, our concern has been with the production of accessories for musical instruments that were free of animal origin.

To this concept, we add the fact that they are vegan products, meeting a global trend of millions of people who gave up using animal origin in their daily lives – from clothing to food. Sustainability and concern for what will become of the world in the coming decades are guidelines for all actions here at ECO Strap.

We believe that we can evolve as a society based on our attitudes and changes in habits, towards a better world. Believe me, each one of us can do our part, just want to! 

I close this text with the following question: which world do you want to leave for the next generations?



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