
Fast Fashion: what it is, and why we should avoid this concept

Fast Fashion: what it is, and why we should avoid this concept
18 de Abr de 2022

Have you heard about Fast Fashion? This expression has gained repercussion in recent years, most of the time for reasons that go against current concepts of sustainability.

The expression Fast Fashion emerged in the 1990s, and emerged as a way of defining a recurring practice since the 1970s, which is the production of clothes for little use and consequent disposal.

The environmental impact of the Fast Fashion concept

To give you an idea, a piece produced in these molds is used about 5 times only, before being discarded. This generates 400% more carbon emission compared to common garments, whose use is, on average, 50 times.

But the problem goes even further. To produce the textile fibers that make up these garments. it is necessary to extract oil, deforest, consume high levels of fuel to transport these volumes. Finally, the fast fashion concept is extremely harmful to the environment.

In addition, this practice generates voracious consumerism on the part of the public. And that, as we know, is bad for the planet.

A textile fiber widely used in these pieces is polyester, which takes about 200 years to decompose.

And how to avoid the Fast Fashion concept?

In practice, we should avoid Fast Fashion consumption if we don't want it to become an even bigger problem.

Researchers from Columbia University and Georgetown University published an article in which they advocate the consumption of more expensive items, with a longer shelf life.

In other words: instead of spending frequently on almost disposable pieces of clothing, what is suggested is to save what would be spent to invest in better pieces.

The world's situation with regard to natural resources is worrying. While we talk about the vital need for sustainable habits, the Fast Fashion concept goes against the grain, encouraging the public to consume unbridled.

At ECO Strap, straps last approximately 10 years. After the end of their useful life, they can be 100% recycled, without the need to extract new natural resources. We defend a greater research on the consumption of each one of us.

Reuse your clothes that are in the back of the closet, give older clothes a new chance. Be aware!

Believe me, we need all of you in building a more sustainable world. Future generations will thank you.



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