
World Veganism Day: what to learn from this date?

World Veganism Day: what to learn from this date?
01 de Nov de 2021

November 1 is World Vegan Day. The date was set in 1994, through Louise Wallis, then president of the Vegan Society, in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Vegan Society of the United Kingdom, founded in 1944.

The main purpose of the date is to celebrate the vegan culture and reinforce the benefits of those who choose this lifestyle.

By definition, a vegan is someone who gives up consuming, as far as possible, any item of animal origin, from clothing to food. Veganism does not advise the ingestion of foods of animal origin and derivatives, such as milk and eggs, for example

World Veganism Day also serves to better reflect our consumption habits as a society.

Among the benefits of those who adopt veganism in their diet are a diet rich in nutrients, a reduction in the risk of heart disease and also of some types of cancer. In the environmental aspect, veganism has a great impact.About 15% of the gases emitted into the atmosphere are the result of flatulence in cattle. Brazil is the fifth country that emits the most greenhouse gases.

A survey by Ibope, in 2018, indicated that 7% of the Brazilian population already considers themselves vegan, and that 55% would prioritize vegan products if they were indicated on the packaging and if the price was equal to non-vegan items, which are already sold.

ECO Strap, since the beginning, understood the need for a collective awareness of the vegan theme. This is how we developed straps for free musical instruments of animal origin.This was the way we found to do our part for a better world for the next generations. Plus, our straps contain 100% recyclable cotton.

In this way, we also contribute to the production of sustainable, recyclable items that, if today are accessories for musical instruments, in a few years' time, they can be crushed and reused for upholstery or even for the production of bricks, for example.

Are you already adopting vegan habits?

Not yet?

How about starting with Meatless Monday, giving up meat, at least on Mondays?

Click on this link where we explain in detail how this works. 



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