
ECO Strap – the ultimate solution for anyone looking for straps with style, purpose and quality

ECO Strap – the ultimate solution for anyone looking for straps with style, purpose and quality
04 de Jun de 2022

ECO Strap is the first brand of straps for musical instruments that was completely designed within the most modern concepts of sustainability.

To make this possible, we adopted the use of 100% recyclable and animal-free raw material. In this way, at the end of the useful life of our products (approximately 10 years), the straps can be fully recyclable and serve as raw material again, for the manufacture of new items, without the need to explore natural resources.

We understand that the situation of the planet is very critical with regard to natural resources and their misuse. That's why we position ourselves as a brand that encourages conscious consumption and we invest in high-end products that cause minimal impact on nature.

ECO Strap and the purpose for a sustainable world

ECO Strap emerged from the extremely successful experience of Basso Straps, the leading manufacturer of instrument straps in Latin America, which is also adopting a line based on sustainability.

As for the products themselves, ECO Strap offers a wide variety of straps for guitar, guitar, bass, ukulele and banjo, with signature prints, whose aesthetic references refer to the 60's and 70's, which for many are the golden years. of popular music in Brazil and in the world.

Among the ECO Strap products, we can find from vibrant colors that refer to vintage straps and accessories to more sober and elegant models, which look like leather, but are actually vegan, without animal origin. The truth is that the entire range of ECO Strap straps comes from the fusion between high technology in the choice of raw material and the aesthetic legacy of the golden age of music.

It is not in vain that, in a very short time, ECO Strap straps are now available in more than 25 countries around the world, bringing style and lifestyle to the musical community, always with the message that a better world is possible as long as we do our part, preserving our planet.



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